Sunday, September 29, 2013

Karate chop!!

I know I haven't been posting like I should. But know that everyone knows I have more ppl to talk to than just myself. 

But!!! Whit felt them kick. For sure. Today!!! A ton actually!  We were racing around in the airport in Baltimore after getting off a plane and she was pushing on her uterus and got kicked back!  And then the three of them poked each other for a while before everyone calmed down. 

And some pics from earlier in the week

Two heads are better than one!!


It has apparently been 3 weeks since I have posted anything!!

Well no news has definitely been good news. 

We've had 3 OB appointments since my last post!!  2 with the IVF doc and one today with our regular oB/GYN!

I'm going to skip ahead to today. 

We went to the OB and had a little tiny bed side ultrasound where we got to see the babies again!  One of the babies had the hiccups which was ADORABLE!!  It looked like a Mexican jumping bean in human form! Lol!

Then I went to work and Wife came with me. We have an ultrasound machine there and we went about 45 min early so we got to play around. Then, the ultrasound tech at work offered to ultrasound her with the good ultrasound. We have sooo many good videos this time. The printers suck so we didn't really get any good pics tho. 

Apparently I cannot post video, so these will have to do for now!

It looks like 2 girls!!!