Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Long week/Long post!!

So much has happened in the past week!  I probably could/should have kept a day by day journal but we were so busy I'll have to summarize here. 

Last Monday we had our 8 1/2 week US and everything is right on track. The babies are growing like they should and their placentas, cords, and heartbeats look fantastic!  We both had to go to work immediately after. After work we both went to Babies R Us and geeked out at all the baby stuff.   We purchased a handful of things in order to 'break the news' to my parents. 

I had ordered online already a plaque that says 'Grandparents of Twins live here'

I had also already ordered a book that is double sided and is a children's story about what grandparents 'do best'

We then picked up a frame at Babies R Us that says 'Two Peas in a Pod' and put an Ultrasound pic of the twins in it. 

We then also bought two sets of baby booties. White, unisex. 

And then we put it all in a box with each gift separated with a layer I tissue paper and this picture on top. 

Tuesday we shipped the box to my parents. 

All day Wednesday I kept having mini waves of panic hit me when I would remember I just shipped that box to my parents. 

Thursday we want over to Sister's house for a barbecue after work. My parents apparently got the box earlier that afternoon because my father had texted me to ask if it was a Christmas present to be out away! Hahaha!  Eventually Wife and I got in the same place and Parents called and they were ECSTATIC which made me very happy. 

We had planned on going to a local IKEA, on Saturday. Unfortunately by 'local' I mean 1hour45min away. Saturday Wife got hit with one of the worst bouts of nausea she has had and actually threw up for only the second time in three years. So... We postponed IKEA in favor of snuggling in bed. 

Sunday we did make it to IKEA.  Wife was only able to stay in the store about 45 minutes. But that was long enough on the show room to pick out a crib and a dresser to use as a changing table. We also got to look at and discuss a couple of things I wanted to register for.   The IKEA show room was on the second floor and it was so big and had so many people in it the the floor would bounce like a suspension bridge and it was making her sick.   It then took me about 2 hours to fetch all the furniture (pushing two carts) and check out!  That place Is AWESOME!  But also, a zoo...

That evening I was so excited that I wanted to put the cris together right away. Each crib took less than 30 minutes to put together and was super easy!  We then decided the way we would announce to the world we were pregnant was to post a pic of a crib on FB!  Boy are our friends funny. I think it's a mixture of us being witty and most people never expecting us to have kids. 

"We wanted to know what everyone thinks of how we are furnishing the newly remodeled room..."

My favorite responses:
"Are your dogs in a crib, or am I just that tired?"
"Looks like a crib..."

So then after a few hours we posted:
"So, they were buy-one-get-one. What do you think we should do with the second one?"

Even better responses:
"Wait, you getting a baby????"
"Ummmm FILL IT!!!!"
"The babies are bogo? Or the cribs?"

My all time favorite response, I see today was deleted by the poster, aww, it said

"Donate it to a women and children's shelter, or a non-profit daycare"

!!!?  I'm telling you some if our friends just could comprehend that we might actually be having children!!  Several are still assuming we are adopting!

The next few days have been awesome at work. Yesterday people actually cheered and hugged me and have me congratulations when I came in!

Anxiously awaiting the next 4 days until we can have another US. Then I plan in posting those pics on FB and see if that confuses or clears up the situation haha!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Twin Gummi bears!!

We had out 8w4d US on Monday!  The twins look 'perfect' according to the doc. Good placement of placentas and the umbilical cords. The babies each have two arms and two legs. They sort of look like Gummi bears because they are more like arm and leg nubbins. 

One of the Gummi bear children. You can see the gestational sac!

Other Gummi child. 

Both are measuring right at dates and both have had strong heart beats, this time and last time. 

We mailed our announcement box toy parents. I think thy are supposed to get it today... I am so nervous!!

Got myself to the hardware store and finally picked out some really cool baseboards. They are vinyl, so the nice thing is that the kids probably can't wreck it and it will stand up to brig hit by strollers and toys and all that. It is very thick which I needed because the old baseboards were double boards. I did double baseboards in the hall and I'm not even done yet so I do NOT want to do that again!

Hopefully those will be finished by the weekend. I'm about 1/2 done right now. 

Probably wont have much work getting done today, going to have a pool barbecue at Sister's house this afternoon after work!  

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The nursery is all painted!!

I am VERY happy to say that the nursery is all painted!! 
Don't get me wrong, there is PLENTY left to do, but the painting is done, the drop clothes are up, and it looks like a room again!!

Today I was quite lazy and took FOREVER to get out of bed. I headed to Michaels to see what options were available to help in the 'cloud painting' department.  Wife got this great idea in her head that she wanted clouds on the ceiling. We had picked up some glitter from the paint department that is supposed o go in paint to make it sparkle. We decided to use the sample container of blue sky paint that was too light, to make the clouds. I picked up a couple different sponges at Michaels and headed home. 

I mixed the two sky blues together and used the round sponge to make these clouds of various random shapes and sizes. 

I then used the light blue and a mixture of the light blue and the left-over sampler of the light sand color to accent and make shadows and highlights using a natural sponge. 

Masking came down and touched up the edges. 

Soon I hope to do the baseboards and then we can start looking at furniture!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

More Nursery Pics!

I finally buckled down on the nursery. I had today and yesterday off and so I spent a good amount of time sanding and painting!  I got the second coat in the dark blue and masked the ceiling an sanded down the middle stripe and got the first layer of sand in!

Painting the first wall 

I'm so excited!  Looks like it'll need one more final coat and then ALL THE PAINTING WILL BE DONE!!  

Oh wait. ... No it won't. We still have to paint clouds in the ceiling... But that should be fun painting right??

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Belly shots

Not a lot going on right now. 
Wife was mildly sick today. I had made a run to Walgreens and picked up Unasom (the kind with doxalamine) yesterday so when the zofran wasn't working she was able to take that and it actually worked!!  However she took it with Benadryl (the OTHER Unasom option) so she was unconscious most of the day. It was ok, I was at work. 

But, as promised! Belly shots!
Pic on the left is around June 24th or so and then July 13th. So about 4 full weeks or a month on the left (basically not pregnant) and just at the  beginning of 8 weeks on the right. 

Not technically showing yet, but already noticing changes!  Oh an she has been complaining for about 2 weeks that her breasts are INCREDIBLY sore, but I did notice a few days ago that they are starting to get bigger. (Sorry, no pictures!) 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hello Morning Sickness!

So Thursday was Wife's first experience with morning sickness... Oh boy!

We had a plan to go sailing with some coworkers and watch "the Tall Ships" come sail into a local port.  We had been looking forward to it for about two weeks and we actually came home 1 day early in order to go.  Thursday morning she woke up extremely nauseated.  We postponed as late as we could (shove off was 11 am) but soon in was clear she wasn't going to be feeling better any time soon, plus, we decided that it probably wasn't a good idea to be sick on a boat before you even take off!

Her morning sickness lasted most of the day and she never managed to eat much but at least she never threw up.

She convinced me to go on without her and I did have fun, although I got burned so bad I am a bit of an uncomfortable crispy critter right now :(

Thankfully yesterday she was feeling well enough to go to class and by last night she was full of energy and actually cooked!  She has been so exhausted for the past month with all the progesterone shots and the amount of energy she had last night was ridiculous! I think her ADD is coming back hard core lol!  I just hope her energy stays because she has been feeling really awful.

We already had some prescription nausea medication at home but on my way home I picked up mints and Unasom.  Hopefully she won't be needing them, but with twins, I imagine it is only going to get worse!

Monday, July 8, 2013


To celebrate the long awaited news of TWINS!! And also, to get a well deserved break. We are going camping!!  Three days of nothing but us and the dogs and nature. ... And rain. ... There is ALWAYS rain when the two of us go camping. Wife never did camping, or dirty outdoorsie things until we got together. And EVERY time I have taken her camping it has rained, an not just a little. I'm not sure j am going to get her to go camping many more times if it doesn't dry up! Hehe. She claims to be enjoying it though!

See you soon!

US today!!

So we had our very first US last week! We were very very excited, of course. When they started the ultrasound we right away saw a nice big GS or gestational sac. Which basically looks like a black circle. Almost right away we notice something else! There was another, less clearly defined circle that was not completely 'filled up'. There was no heart beat in either one (too early) so we had a very stressful week of waiting to have another ultrasound today to see if we have one (or two!!) heart beats.

We are currently waiting in the examination room waiting for the doctor.


OMG!! He's here!!

OMFG!  There's two black sac!! That's two babies!!  OMG!! They both have heartbeats!!  Omg!! It's twins!!πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

Omg!  I was so happy!  We had gotten this idea that we were going to have twins and now we are going to!!

They both measure the same. 6w2d which is very close to our dates of 6w4d. 


Friday, July 5, 2013


We're painting the nursery!!!

Yesterday Wife and I both had the day off so we started painting the nursery!!  So very exciting!  I don't want to jinx anything but we are both nesting so very badly!!

This is how it looks today after it dries. 

Clearly we missed a few spots...

But hopefully after work or tomorrow we can get more work done on it!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Anxiously waiting. Still.

So Monday was our US appointment where we got to see our baby(ies). Our bHcg levels have been through the roof and getting bigger every day!  This was very exciting to us as, Wife especially, we really want twins!  We have quite a few friends with twins, and also, we want a big family and this is a lot of work and very expensive and I think we see twins as BOOM!  Instant family!

We waited for what seemed like forever, and was, in fact, 9 minutes. For the doctor and then we got the US!! There was one beautiful gestational sac (baby home) AND one slightly less developed gestational sac!  It was too early to see babies, too early for heart beats. When we asked about the second sac, the doc said "well it may have implanted a day or two later".  He said he was "cautiously optimistic". We might have twins!  Of course, what this meant was, no firm answers. We have to come back the following Monday (three more days now). By that time we should see heartbeat(s) and if we have one or two, then we'll finally know!

The black teardrop-shaped thing is gestational sac #1. The less clear bubble below it, that looks half-full, is the sac-in-question. 

I unfortunately had to break the news to Wife about what the other option was: if the second baby had not implanted a few days later. Since our big big numbers indicated twins and we saw a second, ill-formed sac, if we have another US on Monday and there are not 2 heartbeats. It means the second fetus got 'reabsorbed'. Like what a miscarriage would be, only there isn't a miscarriage if you still have one baby. 😞