Thursday, November 28, 2013

Baby kicks

While for whatever reason, I could not sleep at all this Thanksgiving Eve. But, as a result I got to experience the coolest thing this far in the pregnancy. My sleeping wife curled up and was being my big spoon when I felt one of the babies wake up and start rolling all around. Each little movement went straight to my back because she had her belly pressed up against me!  I felt the babies limbs as they moved around! So cool! Closest thing to being pregnant I think!

Stay safe this Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

We found an OB!!!

Well, maybe, if we like him I suppose.  The good news is we found one that was recommended by a high risk OB and he has agreed to take us on as a new pt. At least that's one huge stressor down!!  Next week I will have our OB contact him and start sending him the medical records. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

More pics!!

Another OB appointment come and gone!

We are 25w4d today and doing very well!    We had an OB appointment and ultrasound today.  The ultrasound was primarily to check for cervical length.  This is done because the cervix is essentially the "plug" that keeps the babies inside and baking.  A "good" cervical length is anything > 3cm.  We will check it quite frequently as time goes on as this is an early indicator of preterm labor.  Today cervical length was 3.8cm so yay!!

We talked a little more about what the plan of delivery was.  We feel so bad because we really REALLY like our OB and he specializes in twin deliveries, specifically he specializes in twin VAGINAL deliveries, which we are really interested.  So it sucks that we know we pretty much wont be delivering with him, but it is nice to know if something goes wrong that we would know the babies are in good hands.  He even said that whoever delivers us should call him! So sweet!

Our first plan of hospitals in New York does not seem like it is going to pan out (I know go figure).  The hospital is a teaching hospital and all the attending physicians have clinic in the resident clinic.  Apparently BCBS wont pay for a resident clinic, so we cannot go to the hospital we planned on as I think it is irresponsible to merely show up at a hospital in labor where no one is familiar with us.

We are looking at hospitals now.  I want to go to a hospital that is well known for its management of multiple births and preterm infants, my family wants me closer to them at a mostly Unknown hospital.  I have a lot of research to do.


Even though we only went for a cervical length check, the ultrasound tech did take time to look at our "too cute" kids!  She even got a bunch of 3D pics for us!!

Baby A Profile

Profile A heart rate 
Baby A lower leg and foot

Baby A foot

 Baby B heart rate (she was doing calisthenics!)

Baby B foot

3D Pics (Because they are simultaneously adorable and creepy as hell!)

Baby A
her right hand is up by her forehead and her left arm is bent with her hand behind her neck

 Baby A again

Baby B
she is chin to chest, you can see the depression in between her chest muscles

 Ok, Baby B is literally cut in half in these pictures which is creepy as hell, but if you just focus on the top have she's soooo cute!

Baby B Disembodied head in her little, creepy

Baby B one of my favorites, you can see her face chest and arm and part of her umbilical cord.  She is facing the membrane between the two babies which is clearly seen in this picture.  Just to the right of the membrane is Baby A her butt is at the bottom of the screen and then you can see her leg tucking around Baby B's head

My favorite!  You can see Baby B smiling and Baby A's butt and leg!

25 Week Belly!!

Another OB appointment in 2 weeks, High Risk ultrasound in 3.  In the mean time I guess I have more work to do regarding finding an OB!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Good Pics FINALLY!

So we got another official ultrasound today at the OB office and today we got a CD of pictures!!! yay!!

The girls are growing so well.  They are at or ahead of their dates.  Baby A is about 1lb 10oz and Baby B is about 1lb 7 oz!!  We got to see some really awesome 3D shots!!


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pics update

The biggest news this week is... I got to feel them kick!!  Omg! It is the coolest thing ever!  I've never had any family or friends close to me who have been pregnant so I've never, ever felt a baby kick. So cool!!

Brought wife to work early two days ago to ultrasound the babies.  Being as Baby B has a two vessel cord I have been even more cautious and wanting to keep an eye on her growth. The good news is, they are both growing like weeds!!  At or ahead of their dates and about equal in size! Thank goodness! And of course, moving like crazy!!

The US was performed at 23 weeks exactly. 

Baby A belly circumference: 23w4d

Baby A head diameter: 24w2d

Baby A heart rate 144bpm

Baby B femur (thigh) length: 23w4d

Baby B belly circumference: 23w1d

Baby B heart rate: 148bpm

Momma! 23 weeks!!