Monday, February 3, 2014

Holy Growing-Like-Weeds Batman!!

So MFM appointment today, second to last one!!

Snow storm today.  Well I use the term loosely. When we woke up there was about an inch on the ground and it was actively snowing pretty hard. We got to the doctors office no problem only to discover almost NOONE from the staff was there!  Apparently they were shocked that WE showed up!  I was like "we are from Michigan, this isn't snow!"  Which of course necessitated us re-explaining our predicament to yet another shocked NewYorkian. 

Finally everyone showed up and we got on with our epic MFM appointment marathon. Despite a growth US, NST, doctor appt, we got out in under 2 hours :-)
Growth US:  all very good news. Baby A is maybe slowing down a tad in growing (also might be the change in US tech) she is now right on as far as dates go. Her weight is estimated at 7lbs5oz! Baby B is still measuring ahead a week or two as far as growth but her belly is smaller and so her weight is estimated at 6lbs15oz!  Still very close so no concerns there. They had really good fluid in their bellies so no concerns there. Baby A had more fluid and Baby B had less, both more than normal, but they seem to be evening out. But in general all very good!

NST (monitoring) went better than usual, perhaps due to an 8am appt instead of a lunchtime appt. Heart rates look fantastic, lots and lots of movement and no contractions. 

Doctors visit was good as well. No legitimate concerns. Dr W (who we saw the first week, we saw Dr A last week) was grumbling about her sugars and her amniotic fluid again. And then was upset we had not gone for the embryonic echo. Apparently we had an appointment, but no one ever told us, it was 4 days ago. ::face palm::  so the office made us an appoinemt before we left for Wednesday of this week. We are not super excited about it as we see it as yet another expense that doesn't seen to have a real reason behind it. BUT we want our babies to be healthy and the more info the better, so like good patients, off we will go on Wednesday. 

The US tech was so cute, as she was doing the 3d pictures she says "you know, I can see both of you on both of these babies, which is kinda weird..."  And I think it's awesome!  I would love it if you could not tell who was the bio mom of the girls. And I totally want people to look at either of us and be like "oh yes, that's so-and-so's mom". So I thought it was really cute!

Now what you all have been waiting for.....

Baby A and her perma-duck lips 

Baby B

Finally put her arm down for a split second

Not that anyone is counting but we have 9days, 1 cardiology appt, 1OB/GYN apt and 1MFM appt left of this pregnancy!  

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