Monday, January 13, 2014

Aaaand were off!!

And basically on time!

The last three days I've worked night a shifts and then packed/cleaned/shopped during the day. I think I averaged about 5 hours of sleep/day over Thursday Friday and Saturday. Saturday night I worked my last shift, took a nap and then packed all day. By 10pm I was able to start packing a few large things (install a car seat, pack n play and the stroller) and then head to bed. 

Bad news: either I picked up the flu on my last few days of work, or I stressed my body out so much from lack of sleep the past few days and stress about the trip. I have learned in the past few months my body doesn't do well with the prolonged sleeplessness and over working combo. In November, in an effort to make extra money to save for when I have to take time off, I worked a few stints of 7+ days in a row and I got sick. I was sick with crud/bronchitis for over a week. It was bad enough I didn't pick up many extra shifts in December because I was afraid of getting sick!

Well last night as I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, I developed debilitating nausea, dry heaves and heartburn. I attributed it to stress and was drinking Maalox out of the bottle and chewing Tums by the handful. This morning I have laryngitis and a cough. A small part off is hoping this is just a reaction to the tray bad heartburn and I will be Aaalll better tomorrow. Most of me thinks I have caught the Bronchitis. And ain't nobody got time for That!

Packed up this morning, headed to work to tie up loose ends and make sure I stop getting paychecks while I'm gone (I get paid very weirdly) and then we hit the road around 13:30 or 14:00.  By 18:00 all of us were done. One of the dogs "The Crier" we call him, was... Well... Crying. I was exhausted. And Wife, bless her heart, drove the whole 4 hours and was sick of being in the car.  In other news we only stopped once for Wife and The Cougher (aka the dog who is on a water pill)

So,  we have stopped in Cleveland Ohio. We are taking a much needed rest and will hit the road again tomorrow. Weather permitting we have about 8 hours left of driving. 

Tune in tomorrow for the adventures of "The Insane Couple Who Took A 10-month Pregnant Woman and Two Geriatric Dogs on a Cross-Country Trip"

Tune in later in the season for the sequel: "The Insane Couple Who Took A Post-Op Woman, Newborn Twins and Two Geriatric Dogs on a Cross-Country Trip"

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