Monday, January 27, 2014

MFM latest

Another MFM appointment today!

Today was a "quicker" appt, no growth scan today so no new word on how HUGE they are getting. We will do another growth ultrasound next week. 

Today was a BPP which looks at fluid and baby movement and a few limited anatomy shots. We had to wait a little bit for a look at Baby A "practice breathing". Apparently they don't "breathe" all the time. Just off and on to practice. Also, apparently what we have thought was hiccups this whole time, may in fact be practice breathing. We found this out because when we finally got to see Baby A practice breathing, Wife was experiencing what we had been calling hiccups. The tech said that hiccups and practice breathing were basically the same thing!  Cool!  So the BPP looks good with the exception of the excess fluid which really has not changed at all. 

We also had another NST, something we will do every week. Basically this results in even our "quick" appointment being hours long hahaha.  

We no longer have to check Wife's blood sugars. After a week of checking her sugars an hour after eating they ranged from 60-119 so we can OFFICIALLY check gestational diabetes off the list. Baby B still has a bunch of fluid which is a base line concern along with the two-vessel cord. The MFM was a little concerned that she could not see a stomach bubble. If the babies don't swallow the fluid then you can end up with some extra fluid. But we have always seen a stomach bubble in previous US and the tech verified that she saw normal stomach bubbles just prior to the doc coming in.  Prior to the doc leaving she says she saw the stomach filling a little so it's something we will watch but is not too concerning right now.

We talked about when the babies come again. If the babies were to be born now at 35w4d, there is a good chance they might spend a little time in the NICU. The doc said that if we deliver after 36 weeks then the odds are much higher for no time in the NICU which is exciting because that is only a few days away!

C-section is still the plan as Baby A is still sideways. Baby B did three complete somersaults during the 1 hour ultrasound! So no telling what her plan is!

Can't remember if I have posted a belly shot in a while. 

Wife is starting to get pretty uncomfortable. Hips hurt her all night so she tosses and turns from one side to the other. Her belly is so big that she starts to get sweaty/fidgety/faint if she lays on her back for more than about 2 minutes. She's also retaining quite a bit of fluid. Good News: she was down one pound today so no big weight gain in the past three days. Bad News: she has putting edema up to her belly. (Putting edema is when you push the skin in wih a finger for a second or two and let go and the indent stays). Good News: her labs have all been fine so no sign of kidney problems, preeclampsia or HELLP. The fluid retention is almost assuredly caused by the babies pushing on her veins and keeping her blood from returnig to her heart (sounds scarier than it is)

Baby pics!

Baby A

Baby A rocking her fro!

Baby B (notice increased fluid, it gives her room for acrobatics)

Baby A

Baby B

Super Creepy Baby B

More Baby A

Well that's it for a few days. I'm mostly going stir crazy. I started a Paint-By-Number project after finishing my Thank You notes. I seriously need A) something to do and B) any kind I mental stimulation. This no working thing is wearing thin. 

 So this is what I'm keeping yawls occupied with for a few hours each night.  

I want the babies to bake as log as possible. But I also want tem to come as early as is safe for them; we are going crazy here!  Not to mention, my latest fear is they won't fit in the diapers or clothes we brought for them as try are beginning to enter in to the 'larger than your average newborn, and certainly NOT PREEMIE' realm....

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