Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We're TRYING!!

Ever notice how couples say they are "trying" to get pregnant.  And what that really means is, their having sex a whole lot and seem to want to tell you about it?  Well, my wife and I have been "trying" to get pregnant for two years, and it just hasn't "happened".

Now, some of you might say that no matter how hard we "try" it just isn't going to happen.  Some might say "If you introduce some sperm into the equation, things might work out better for you."  But we aren't letting little things like that get us down.  We'll keep "trying" thank you very much.

Well, we might be trying, but we're not stupid.  We need some serious help if we are going to join the ranks of parents out there.  So we have enlisted the help of some "professionals".

Back in Aug of 2012, we set up an appointment with a local REI (Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility) doc in town.  We established exactly what we wanted and how we were going to do it.  I have no interest in carrying, my wife is really excited by the idea of being pregnant and carrying lots of babies.  I, on the other hand really want to procreate.  I was joking with my wife that I have this intense, very male?, urge to "spread my seed" or what-not.  As it happens, my wife really wants to carry my baby and doesn't really have a need to have her own biological children.  Like everything between the two of us, it just seems to work out.  We settled on a procedure called Reciprocal In vitro Fertilization, or Reciprocal IVF.  They will harvest eggs from me, fertilize them with donor sperm, and then implant them into her uterus.  She will carry "my" baby and then give birth.  We were very excited and happy that we came to this decision very easily.  Then came the matter of money.  It was going to cost us roughly $12,000 + meds + office visits.  Responsibly rounding up to about $18,000.  Ouch.  We had thought we needed maybe $10,000... Despite our best efforts, we were not going to have enough money.  It was devastating  but we elected to put the whole process off for a year.  Save money, plan, and reconvene next fall.

Fast forward to about February of this year.  Apparently, our biological clocks are ticking like CRAZY.  We decided that if we saved HARD, we could come up with enough money by April.  So we did.  We haven't gone on any vacations, barely went food shopping, and I haven't had "time off" since Christmas.  We did it, mostly.  We saved everything we needed for the procedures and we would take the meds and office visit costs as they come.  It's hard, most couples, all you need is a 6-pack and some Barry Manilow and BAM.  No happy accidents here.  Oh well.

We are very VERY excited.  And terrified.  I am at least.  I'm scared.  I know to much about what can go wrong and how devastating it would/will be for my wife, and myself.  I'm scared of every complication.  But still, very excited, and happy.

April 9th is our first appointment to "check out the equipment" and make sure everything is ready for go time. ::gulp::

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