Thursday, December 5, 2013

28 weeks!!

Another week down and everything is going really well!

We had an OB appt on Monday and everything was good. No signs of any problems with wife and babies are good as well. In fact, Baby B was so active the doc was having a hard time finding her heartbeat cuz she kept doing cartwheels!  Don't worry it was great when he found it. 

Tomorrow is our second detailed anatomy scan at the high risk doc. We are excited to see the babies again!  This scan is partially because they are twins and partially because of Baby B's two-vessel cord. We want to make sure that the babies are growing at roughly the same speed. I am really very glad that Baby B is the one that has the two vessel cord because she is such a crazy active baby!!  We feel her dancing multiple times every day and that is very reassuring. 

Very interesting thing happened this week.  A student at Wife's university approached her about doing a multimedia journalism piece on our relationship and pregnancy.  At first we (especially myself) were very skeptical about the intent and direction behind the piece. I didn't want us to merely be an object of morbid curiosity. However, after reading the prospectus, we were reassured that the students doing this project felt that this was an important topic and they felt this was a story that needed to be shared to educate the public. 

I spent the last two days doing all kinds of chores including washing and sorting about 7 loads of kids laundry, going grocery shopping and cleaning the house for said interview. 

The whole process was very enjoyable. The couple of (students? Kids? Geez I'm getting old they were >10 years younger than me lol!) were very respectful, interested and we had more fun than either of us thought we would talking about everything from our marriage to the pregnancy to the discrimination we face in our own community. 

I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. If it's not totally terrifying I'll link to it hehehe. 

Well, until tomorrow!  Hopefully lots of good baby pics!!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the interview!! I hope I hope I hope! :-)
