Friday, December 6, 2013

Graduated from high-risk!!

Today was our follow-up appointment with the high-risk OB, and it turned out to be our last too!!

Everything is going super super well and we are really pleased. This was primarily a growth ultrasound and a follow up anatomy scan now that the babies are bigger.  

Baby B is the one with the two-vessel cord. Concerns with that are first and foremost, decreased growth, smaller baby and suddenly stopping growth. Other, much smaller risks are increased risk of Down's Syndrome and various other genetic conditions. All of these come with a myriad of physical and anatomical findings including abnormal heart, skeletal and renal anatomy. Our first anatomy scan 3 months ago was all mostly normal, but babes were tiny and not all the anatomy could clearly be seen. 

Well I'm glad to say the scan went famously!!  The babes are measuring at or past their dates which they have been the whole time. They are only 10% different in size which is basically to say they are no different at all considering the margin of error for these measurements are at least that much!  Baby A is measuring in at around 29 weeks and a few days and weighs about 3lbs 2oz and Baby B is measuring in at just a day or two past 28 weeks and 2lbs 13 oz!! Which is great considering we are just entering into the period of time where they start putting on weight. Babies gain the most weight in the last 4-5 weeks so the longer the better!! 

Anatomy scan was also perfect. Baby A has all her pieces and parts and all her fingers and toes.  Baby B is identically perfect and special note was made of a normal brain, heart and kidneys. Cervix was >5cm so those babies are locked in!

The best news was the doc said no reason to come back. He's super sweet and we love him, but he says we have a great doc and the babies look perfect and he sees no reason to come back!  Yay!

We don't get a lot of pics from these appointments but we did get one!  I think she has my ears!!

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