Tuesday, December 31, 2013

False Alarm

**DISCLAIMER: everything is fine**

Well we were really shocked that we had made it this far with a twin pregnancy without a SINGLE problem. So before 2013 left she had to give us a shake. 

Today we decided we needed to get on it and get a rocking chair. We went out to three different stores and did quite a bit of walking and not enough drinking water or resting. 

Around 6pm tonight Wife started having contractions.   I knew they probably were Braxton-Hicks contractions or "false labor". I started pushing Wife to drink lots of water after an hour I contacted a doc friend of mine. We agreed to monitor and wait an hour.  After two hours of contractions all three of us got nervous enough that we decided it was time to go to the hospital. As soon as we made that decision, the contractions stopped, for about 40 minutes. Then she had one last one while walking down the hospital hallway. 

Wife got checked and she continued to have no contractions. we were in and out in under 3 hours, so that pleased us. 

Plan tonight is more water and bed rest for the next 24 hours. 

Lessons learned: we are not Ready. Not physically or emotionally. I was freaked out. I was scared, until I got to the hospital, then I felt better. Also, now we have a bug-out bag. I packed in under ten minutes thanks to having just done the laundry!

I have a fire lit under me. I need to get everything ready, including working out with the NY OB what the hell is going on. 

I was joking that I had told the girls they couldn't be born in 2013 but 5 minutes into 2014 isn't exactly what I meant!!

Happy new year!!

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